'soli deo gloria'

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Welcome back.........

Harlo everybody, I know that it have been a very long time since I last update myself well……this is because I was quite busy for the pass month cause got a lot of exams and concluding, so just let me make some highlights:

Found good friends over here ---- R.Geng, Keong etc.
Started plying in the football league over here and these are the results: 4-0, 4-0, 3-0 and yes we lost in all 3 games, tomorrow we will be playing again, it’s a every Sunday thing.
Was sick for the pass 2 days.
Keep on dreaming that I am already back home with my family.
Got the last and 11th parcel of the year (making a record over here, hehehehe)
Was touched by Hannah, I am always very glad when friends in M’sia still remember me, not mentioning my friends in church ;)

So take care everybody and I will keep myself as update as possible. YK ---- Happy???? I update the so now I am not keeping myself silent d, God Bless Everyone ;)


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