Thank God for people like them ;)
Well, since I have made the decision to come to Russia to pursue my studies and lessons in life and to follow the will of God in my life I have never regretted. Although there is and still always difficulty accompanied with ups and downs in life but I thank God for all his promises. Recalling one of my friend (Sherena) telling me something, she said that seeing pictures of me with all my friends (church) just make her very jealous because of what that has bonded all of us together ------ the true love of God. Pass 2days, I went to look at some pictures taken by my friends (church) during Christmas, I can really feel the aroma and fragrance of love coming out from them. I really miss them and everything that we use to do together and just can’t wait to go home sweet home.
Yesterday, Jin asked me “life in Russia or Malaysia better??” Of course I said Malaysia, not because to make him feel happy but I really miss those days that I used to have, their accompany and friendship built up between us can never be forgotten but I still want to thank God for friends that I have met here these people are great and wonderful to me; Ren Geng, Wenn Fung, Wei Keong, Jeremy and Afni. I believe that to maintain a good friendship both parties need to work hard for it, and I am glad that my friends (church, YK, Ashley, Alex, Aou) have done their job well. And certainly I did my job as well, although some have let me down but for those that didn’t I just want to thank them and also to thank God for putting people like them into my life. God Bless and seeya soon I’ll be back in Malaysia 4mths form this date ;)